The 2011 harvest season is finally upon us. We REALLY thought it would never get here. The late Winter snow falls and endless Spring rains made planting almost impossible. This year's plans were to put in lentils, barley and durum. With field conditions the worse they've been in years (standing water, mud, washed out roads, etc) we were really fortunate to sow any seed. June, however, did dry up and finally warm up enough to get about 1/3 of our crops planted. Durum only.
But alas, it's harvest time. My (and John's) favorite time of year. As farmers we find ourselves glued to the weather channel. Praying for no rain, now we need rain, heat, okay that's enough heat, please don't hail, too much wind. It's really in God's hands and our faith is often tested. But, come harvest time we can send up our halleluhas. There is no better joy than to watch the combine roll down the field. Awe, did I say I love harvest.
I do have to admit though, I have the easy job. John and I farm together as a team but at harvest time I get the better deal. My job is to run the combine. It is air conditioned, is equipped with a great stereo system, has an awesome air-ride seat, is totally computerized, and with the latest gps technology pretty much drives itself. Awwwesome! John's at the other end. His job is to drive the grain trucks and auger grain into the bins. Not an easy task. No air, itchy chaff clinging to your sweaty body, terrible grain dust, up and down ladders, a lot of walking, and's hot here in August & September. Plus, he really has to hustle to keep up. Poor guy. Now planting season is another story. We'll get to that in May.
The Fall Line-up |
The durum this year was extremely short. |
My hubby's looking good. |
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