So what is it exactly that we do while in Belize?
Well let's take a looksy...
We watch the sun rise from our balcony. |
We watch the sun set from sea. |
We take long walks along the beach. |
We take catamaran cruises. |
We drive fancy cars on fancy streets. |
We swim underwater. |
We pet sharks underwater. |
We take Ceviche cooking classes next to water. |
We take pictures of women with awesome tatoos. |
We go fishing at sea. |
We get refreshed at sea. |
We pose for pictures at sea. |
We parasail. |
We kayak. |
We watch the local boys catch crabs. |
We stop and smell the flowers. |
We reunite with old friends. |
We laugh with old friends. |
We make new friends. |
We make new friends from Poland who win Golf Cart Races. |
We welcome family. |
We play with sting rays. |
We play with our food. |
We eat our food. |
We float through caves on inner tubes. |
We scream when we fall off our tubes while in caves. |
We watch people watching us. |
We zipline through jungles. |
We have other tourists take our silly portraits. |
We take self portraits over looking Guatemala. |
We scale Myan Temples. |
We take pictures of signs that tell us what to take. |
We get great tans. |
Okay now, who all is coming to Belize?
May I suggest 1 more activity? Volunteer for Target Earth International or another conservation organization, to help protect all those cool things you're enjoying, so they'll be there for future generations to enjoy. It is an amazing place, but was quickly being deforested by Canadian mega-farm corporations when I was there in 2000. There were some fledgling conservation groups, like Eden Conservancy. Have you visited the Jaguar Creek Environmental Learning Center near Blue Hole National Park? :) Audrey the B.