Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Missing Craig

I'm in such a dilemma.  Craig, my one and only, newly adopted house plant, is dusty.   Not just lightly cute and fuzzy dander dusty, but, whoaaaa, I can't hold my branches up kinda dusty.  So...what's the dilemma???   As Craig sits in my kitchen sink I'm debating, with myself, scary, I know, on how Craig would like to be cleansed.  Is Craig the "just get r done, rough me up" kinda guy?  Or the gentle, one leaf at a time pat me dry sort?  I know right now as I type this and he stares at me from across the kitchen he's saying, "Just take the high road."  Okay, okay Craig.  Enough is enough.  I've shaved you once and I'm not afraid to do it again.  But today, sorry, all you get is a spritz. Soon, and I promise, soon, you'll get a full transplant.  One where you get to stretch out and fully spread your wings.  I promise.

In memory of a great friend.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Feeling Crafty

Spent another great afternoon with my granddaughter. We decided it was a good time to put together this fun foam North Pole kit I purchased a few weeks ago at a Michael's. A couple hours later (and as many snack breaks) the structure is finished.   Briley has a holiday home for her Littlest Pet Shop critters.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Making Of A Wedding

Raycee Pasternak & Bobby Davidson were united in marriage on July 23, 2011.  A good time was had by all.

Congratulations to the beautiful couple and their beautiful daughter Briley.